on board.
Filigree: can accommodate 500 people,
Package entertainment: Ticket price.
Filigree: 1,000 yen per 100,000 kilometers,
Package entertainment: flight speed.
Filigree: 100,000 kilometers per hour,
Bao Yu: What' s new in "Moon Village".
Filigree: It pays special attention to environmental protection and hygiene.
Bao Yu: What' s the solution.
Filigree: do not pay attention to environmental protection and hygiene. You will receive a fine of 1,000 yuan lunar coin from an environmentally friendly intelligent robot.
Bao Yu: So strict.
Filament: In order to maintain environmental hygiene,
"Moon Village Environmental Sanitation Section" only built a "Forest Technology Toilet" at the entrance of each forest,
Bao Yu: Why only at the entrance of the forest.
Filament: Can irrigate trees.
Bao Yu: Look. It' s really environmentally friendly.
We need it for inspection.
So pitch a tent near the forest.
Waking up in the morning with urgency.
Hurrying into the "Forest Technology Restroom",
Bao Yu: Look. People have three urgency.
On the virtual screen of the toilet door panel,
Just listen to the voice of the smart assistant:
If you have used this product, please say A,
For the first time, please say B,
For multiple use please say C,
Other please say Z,
Bao Yu: How do you answer.
Filigree: said to the screen: B,
Bao Yu: Look. Earth' s public toilets are not like this.