The 103rd station is the "Placket Space Orbit City", which is about 6,500 light-years away from the "Oter Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 104th station is the "Bubble Nebula Space Orbit City" about 7,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 105th station is the "Bubble Nebula Yi Space Orbit City", which is about 7500 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 106th station is the "Haishan Space Orbit City", which is about 8,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 107th station is the "Haishanyi Space Orbit City", which is about 8,500 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 108th station is the "Haishan II Space Orbit City", which is about 9000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 109th station is the "Sagittarius Star Cloud Space Orbit City" about 9,500 light-years away from the "Oter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 110th station is the "Carina Nebula Space Orbit City" about 10,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 111th station is the "Cassiopeia Space Orbit City" about 11,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 112th station is the "Westerlu Space Orbit City", which is about 12,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 113th station is the "Ophiuchus Space Orbit City" about 13,00