station is the "Saeg II Space Orbit City", which is about 160,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 135th station is the "Tarrant Nebula Space Orbit City", which is about 170,000 light-years away from the "Oort Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 136th station is the "Tarrant Nebula Yi Space Orbit City", which is about 180,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 137th station is the "Tarrant Nebula II Space Orbit City", which is about 200,000 light-years away from the "Oort Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 138th station is the "Segil Space Orbit City", which is about 250,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 139th station is the "Segiri Space Orbit City", which is about 300,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 140th station is the "Segir II Space Orbit City", which is about 350,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 141st station is the "Segil Mountain Space Orbit City", which is about 400,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 142nd station is the "Segil Temple Space Orbit City", which is about 450,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 143rd station is the "Segilwood Space Orbit City", which is about 500,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 144th station